Test Article I: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed enim odio, venenatis a ultricies vel, ullamcorper quis justo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ultrices lorem et lacinia consequat. Donec tristique finibus iaculis. Nulla sit amet justo commodo, pellentesque elit eget, varius enim. Sed enim odio, venenatis a ultricies vel, ullamcorper quis justo. Quisque porttitor risus in vehicula vestibulum. In in eros tempor, blandit erat eu, suscipit mauris. Aliquam facilisis, eros eget fermentum efficitur, justo metus varius mi, nec aliquet augue leo at arcu.
Extracted References
The following references have been extracted and will be linked to the submission metadata.
Smith I, Johnson S. Just another reference in the article text for the demonstation journal. Journal Incognito. 2017; 41:12321-12325.
Smith I, Gregg O. Just another reference in the article text for the demonstation journal. Journal Incognito. 2017; 41:12321-12325.
Smith I, Gregg O. Just another reference in the article text for the demonstation journal. Journal Incognito. 2017; 41:12321-12325.
Smith I, Gregg O. Just another reference in the article text for the demonstation journal. Journal Incognito. 2017; 41:12321-12325.
Smith I. Just another reference in the article text for the demonstation journal. Journal Incognito. 2017; 41:12321-12325.
Smith I. Just another reference in the article text for the demonstation journal. Journal Incognito. 2017; 41:12321-12325.
Smith I. Just another reference in the article text for the demonstation journal. Journal Incognito. 2017; 41:12321-12325.
Smith I. Just another reference in the article text for the demonstation journal. Journal Incognito. 2017; 41:12321-12325.
Smith I. Just another reference in the article text for the demonstation journal. Journal Incognito. 2017; 41:12321-12325.
Smith I. Just another reference in the article text for the demonstation journal. Journal Incognito. 2017; 41:12321-12325.

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